Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year, New Resolutions

Every year, on January first, my husband and I sit down to discuss our goals for the new year.  A lot of times the goals from last year need to be repeated because we failed or we forgot about them.  This year, one of my goals is to NOT forget about my goals. 

Throughout the year I'll do checks on myself and see how I'm doing; you can check in and help keep me accountable also.

I always break my goals into different categories of Financial, Physical, Intellectual/Knowledge, Spiritual, etc.

1. Read one book each month (should be easy since I joined a book club through my church). 
Purpose of this goal is to continue to use my mind and spend less time binge watching Netflix--especially since they just added FRIENDS to their collection.
2. Practice the Piano daily.
One of my goals last year was to get back into playing the piano and to learn how to play the left hand.  When I was younger I taught myself to play the right hand but struggled to have the determination to play the left.  I did well with my goal last year, I had to hire a piano teacher but it helped tremendously. This year my goal is to continue that skill and be able to play Christmas Hymns by next December for our family tradition of singing a Christmas song each night in December leading up to Christmas.

1. Stay in budget for groceries every month.
This has been a recurring goal each year; I do pretty well with it but it's become a game and more and more fun each month.  With our little family growing, I'm needing to find new ways to save money and a challenge I willingly accept.
2. Look for ways to bring income to our family.
This goal truly is just for fun.  There have been so many opportunities mentioned to me since leaving my work in October I just want to try a couple and see what I can do. Plus, with some of my other goals, it may be nice to have some extra cash and help keep me from binge watching Netflix.

1. Return to pre-pregnancy weight by October.
I don't know if this is too easy of a goal or if it's right on track.  I weighed in this morning at 155 lbs and my goal weight is 145 lbs. I know healthy weight loss is 1 pound/week but is that the same if you are nursing?? Something I'll need to look into and update my goal as necessary. I'm going to start running with some ladies from my church tonight and it's a weekly group.  On top of that I'm going to be walking with my daughter, doing a strength circuit twice a week and riding my bike on Saturdays when my husband is home. Once it gets warm enough, I'll start back in the pool.  I've put reminders in my phone for all of these things as that has helped me in the past. Nutrition will also come into play so maybe I'll share some good recipes as I find them.

1. Daily prayer and scripture study.
As this one is more personal you won't hear much about it but it's something we as a family are working on also.

1. Journal every Sunday.
When I was single I was really good about journaling.  I believe it's such an important part of my life but when I got married it was easy to just talk to my husband instead of writing things down.  But how will my posterity know of the things in my life if I do not record them?? Hence my journal. Right now I keep a hard copy but a friend suggested just using Google Docs which may be wise also.
2. Blog every Monday.
This one is more just to commit to something and stay committed.  I've started and stopped so many times at blogging that I just want to keep up with it once. Nobody may read this blog, and that is ok but I need to keep at it.

What are your New Year's resolutions?

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